2021² Sessions
Talking Alienation sessions will be held at
11 am BRA / 2 pm UTC / 5 pm MSK.
13th Oct., Wednesday - Isidor Walliman
Estrangement: Marx's conception of human nature and the division of labor
29th Oct., Friday - Olga Simonova
The alienating emotional labor in late modern (pandemic) societies: Marxist overtones of the А. R. Hochschild’s theory
10th Nov., Wednesday - Humberto Fernandes
The unnatural divide between culture and nature: A sociological unified approach to Spinoza on alienation theory
3rd Dec., Friday - Virgínia Therezinha Kestering
Vegetarianism and accountability: the consumer responsibility in vegetarian practice
8th Dec., Wednesday - Miriam Adelman / Henrique Quagliato
Mental Health seen through the lens of human-animal relations: notes for a preliminary inquiry
7th Jan., Friday - Zhaolun Fan
Individualization, familialism and subjective-well-being (SWB): A comparative egocentric network analysis
19th Jan., Wednesday - Miri Gal-Ezer
Covid-19 and Iran Crisis as Disaster Capitalism by Netanyahu and Trump: Alienation, Illeadership and Illiberal Democracy
2nd Feb., Wednesday - Virgínia Therezinha Kestering
Brazilian emotional experience over the first months of Covid-19 pandemic: the impact of political and ideological positions
16th Feb., Wednesday - Andrew Blasko
One-Dimensional Knowledge: Ideology and the Humanistic Context of Science
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